Copyright Compliance and Public Performances

According to the Federal Copyright Act, copyrighted materials like movies can be used publicly if they’re properly licensed. However, neither the rental nor purchase of a movie carries the right to exhibit it outside of one’s home, unless the site where the movie will be watched is properly licensed for a copyright compliant exhibition.

What exactly is a public performance?

A public performance is any exhibition of a movie shown outside of someone’s home. 

Why should I obey copyright law?

A public performance licensing fee includes money paid to the entire cast and crew who worked on the film from start to finish. If these men and women do not receive this hard-earned revenue through sources like licensing fees, they may no longer invest their time, research and development costs to create new movies.

Who’s responsible if a film is shown without a license?

The management of the cruise line where the movie is shown bears the ultimate responsibility and consequences of copyright infringement. However, anyone involved with the public performance of copyrighted material could be implicated.

Who appointed Swank On-Board Movies to issue public performance licensing?

Major and minor film studios trust Swank On-Board Movies as their liaison and agent to provide public performance licensing for their library of movies.