The Odyssey


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Summer, 1946. The Cousteau family, Jacques, his wife Simone and their two children Philippe and Jean-Michel, live in their beautiful house by the Mediterranean Sea. By day they dive, by night they watch the stars. It's paradise on earth. But Jacques is never content. He hungers for the adventure of the undersea world, and believes in the virtues of progress. With his invention, the aqualung, his recently acquired vessel, the Calypso, and a crew of free-spirited adventurers led by his wife, Simone, Jacques is ready to cross the world's oceans. Ten years later, back from the boarding school, Philippe finds his father greatly altered as an international celebrity. Jacques cannot see it yet, but Philippe already understands that progress and pollution have begun to lay waste to the submarine world. Yet father and son’s voyage to Antarctica may be their greatest adventure yet.


Jérôme Salle, Jean-Michel Cousteau, Jérôme Salle, Olivier Delbosc, Marc Missonnier, Alexandre Desplat, TF1 Films Production

Production year





Samuel Goldwyn Films


122 minutes


Audrey Tautou, Lambert Wilson, Pierre Niney, Vincent Heneine, Laurent Lucas