What does Motorcoach Movies do?

Motorcoach Movies provides movies and movie licensing to motorcoaches that want to show films legally on their coaches. We work with everyone from the best studios in Hollywood to the most innovative indie film companies to help individuals turn everyday transportation into extraordinary experiences.


Why do I need Motorcoach Movies’ services?

According to the Federal Copyright Act, copyrighted materials like movies can only be used for a public performance if they’re properly licensed.

However, neither the rental nor purchase of a movie carries the right to exhibit it outside of one’s home. So how can you get your coaches licensed so you can show your movies? That’s where we come in.


What exactly is a public performance?

A public performance is an exhibition of a movie that is shown outside of someone’s home. Fees collected for public performance site licensing compensate the copyright owners and the men and women who work on a film from start to finish.


Who appointed Motorcoach Movies to issue public performance site licensing?

Major and minor film studios trust Motorcoach Movies as their liaison and agent to provide public performance site licensing for their library of movies.


What if a third party says it is okay to show rented or purchased movies without a license?

Third parties cannot provide legal permission for use outside the home. These movies, like the movies you own, are for "home use only" and must be licensed for public performance.


What if an outside organization such as a sports team wants to show a movie on my motorcoach?

Good news! This is legally permitted if the motorcoach has an annual fleet license from Motorcoach Movies. Motorcoaches without such a license will be held liable if an outside organization involves them in copyright infringement by permitting movies to be used on their vehicles.


I’ve heard of a similar type of license called a “blanket license.” Is this the same thing as an annual fleet license?

They’re the same thing. Sometimes referred to as a "blanket license,” our annual fleet licensing gives your coaches the right to show copyrighted movies legally for an entire year.


How can I confirm that a movie I'd like to show is covered under my annual fleet license?

Check to see if the movie you want to show is covered with our movie search tool. If the film title appears, it is covered under the annual fleet license.


We are buying entertainment movies from a catalog that says their movies are licensed to show on a coach, a train, etc. Is this accurate?

Unfortunately, no. No vendor selling entertainment movies has legal permission to grant you these rights. Videos with public performance rights are often documentaries produced by independent distributors, and are separate from this license.


Where can I acquire entertainment movies after we receive our license?

Once licensed, you can exhibit any movies by the studios we represent as long as they are secured from a legal source such as a rental source, public library or your personal collection.


Are there limitations to an annual fleet license?

This license is for motorcoaches only. This license does not permit movies to be used when an admission fee is charged. In addition, the movies may not be altered, duplicated, digitized or transmitted electronically in any form without specific permission from the copyright owner.