Movie Licensing Made Easy

We know you understand the importance of obtaining a public performance license when screening films, but we also know most other campus organizations are unclear on copyright law. Or, they look to you for guidance when they want to host an on-campus movie event. To help you answer their questions and ensure their success, we put together the mini copyright kit below. Easily share this page and resources with others on your campus!


Learn why copyright compliance is important, when a license is necessary, and how you can secure one for your campus in the video below. 





What is a “public performance?”
A movie screening that takes place outside a private home setting.

What does the law say?
Purchasing, renting, or streaming a movie does not grant the right to exhibit it publicly outside the home, unless the screening is properly licensed. Proper licensing is required for all public screenings, regardless of audience size, your nonprofit status, the age of the film, and whether you plan to charge admission.

My screening is for educational purposes, do I still need a license?
Under the “Face-to-Face Teaching Exemption,” copyrighted movies may be exhibited without a license only if the college is an accredited, non-profit institution and the screening meets all the following criteria:

  • The screening takes place in a classroom or similar place devoted to instruction.
  • The movie is used as an essential part of the core, required curriculum being taught. The instructor should be able to show how the use of the movie contributes to the overall required course study and syllabus.
  • The audience is limited to the enrolled students and the instructor of the course.
  • A teacher or instructor is present, engaged in face-to-face teaching activities.
  • The content must be legally obtained.

Who can provide me with proper licensing?
Only Swank can provide you public performance licenses on behalf of the studios represented below

If you have any additional questions regarding copyright law,
reach out to your Account Executive today!